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Here is a logo design and 2 ads I created for my Art Direction I class in Spring '09. We worked in collaboration with an Account Planning class in the advertising department. The other class presented their creative briefs to us and in turn we had to create ads that best reflected the content of the strategy.
Our client was Scoop DeVille a local Ice-cream scoop shop in Philadelphia. We were targeting 18-24 year olds, specifically females, who enjoy eating ice-cream but are not entirely loyal to a single brand. The account planners wanted us to really emphasize Scoop DeVille as more than just a place to get ice cream, but as a place to cherish memories and create new ones with friends, family and loved ones. They wanted the advertising to have an extremely friendly, almost loving tone that reflects the atmosphere and look for Scoop DeVille.
Before I started the ad, I wanted to first create a distinct logo for Scoop DeVille. It's a fun logo, consistent with Scoop DeVille colors as well as the fun feel of the ad.
After researching the brand a bit, and visiting the scoop shop, I decided on the idea for my print ad. It revolves around the idea of a young girls scrapbook with her most cherished memories, more specifically her most important "firsts," such as first kiss or first anniversary. And then I finish it with "first taste of scoop deville." And the headline, "It's That Important," I thought really hammered home the idea of Scoop DeVille as more than just an ice-cream shop, but a place where people can cherish memories and create new experiences with loved ones. The white ad was the one I used to present to the Account Planning class, but I included the black ad in this post because I like the way it looks in web. I also created the logo in all of the ads.
As a part of the assignment we were to create complimentary ads that showed how our current ideas could be used in a campaign. I decided to make Facebook banner ads, because I thought Facebook would be the perfect medium to reach segmented users, specifically the 18-24 females.
Image Credits: Getty Images

Here are 2 ads I created for my Art Direction I course in Spring '09. The assignment was to portray our brand's message using communication devices we learned in class. We were to create 2 comps, each taking a different direction.
I choose Fiji Water as my brand. My target audience was females aged 25-34. They are affluent , independent, highly educated, white-collar workers. For the first ad titled "This is..." I utilized the image/lifestyle device to associate Fiji water with extravagance and leisure. For the second ad titled "Perfect Balance" I wanted to associate Fiji water with the target's balanced lifestyle, and that Fiji water is the perfect water to compliment that lifestyle.
Image Credits:, Google Images & Flickr
I created this ad in my Creative Thinking course in Spring '09. Again, just like the Volvo ad, I was to create an ad for Ford Trucks, except for this one we were to use a visual and logo only. I wanted to really emphasize the toughness/ruggedness of Ford Trucks by creating a surprising visual that speaks for itself.
Image Credits: Google Images &

This is a piece I created from scratch for my Creative Thinking course in Spring '09. This is an ad for Giant Tales (The title of the fairy-tale book my group came up with) in The New York Review of Books.
I created this ad for my Creative Thinking course in Spring '09. The assignment was to create an ad for Volvo using only copy and a logo. I made the word Volvo with bubble wrap because I'm sure most people associate Volvo with safety.

This was a fun assignment for my Art Direction I course in Spring '09. We were to manipulate text using Adobe Illustrator in a way that represented the given word.

This is a book cover I created for Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms in my Intro Special Topics for Ad Majors course in Fall '08.
Image Credits: Dr. Macro & Earl Thiesen
This is an ad I created for my Copywriting I course in Fall '08. I was looking to target the general public, but more specifically those aged 25-45 with good vision because these people haven't experienced what it's like to have blurry vision. The single message I wanted to convey is that it's not too late to get an eye exam.
Image Credits: Khoi Nguyen (Me)